Powerful Positive Thinking

Positive Thinking and Covid-19

What has Covid-19 or Coronavirus got to do with positive thinking? It is a disease – right – and everyone can catch it – absolutely. We all know what it can do, we all know that no one is immune, so let me ask the question once again – what has Coronavirus got to do with positive thinking?

I am no doctor or medical expert, but I do know the effect that positive thinking has on health, stress and all types of diseases and infirmities. This disease, like many others can kill but there are several well documented research projects which confirm and emphasise why we should all try to remain optimistic.

One critical area of research to do with immunity, which is fundamentally what this disease is all about, shows that positive thoughts and attitudes can activate the brain areas to create a stronger immune defence. Further research also confirms that positive people recover more quickly from illnesses such as colds and flu, to which coronavirus is directly related.

Because I write and have done so for many years about positive thinking I know that negative people are more prone to sickness, stress and ill health generally. They attract these things via their negativity because they constantly focus on all that is wrong in their lives.

You do not have to take my word for it. Just Google “positive thinking and health” and you will find many articles similar to this one which confirm that your state of mind has a direct link to your overall health and wellbeing.

Positive thinking creates better resilience and improves our ability to cope with problems. People with such mind sets are better able to face a crisis or trauma with strength and resolve and do not buckle when faced with such problems.

Resilience can be dramatically improved if you have a positive outlook and it has been shown that optimistic people deal better with challenges and look instead for solutions to all their problems even if that means asking others for help.

So where is the research that supports all this? As stated earlier many eminent doctors and psychologist have produced detailed papers on the subject, far too long to be included in this blog so please Google the subject if you want to know more. I have simply précised many of the findings to emphasise why all of us should remain positive while this disease is amongst us.

According to researchers every time you think, your brain releases some type of chemical. When positive thoughts are generated, when you’re feeling happy, or optimistic, cortisol decreases and the brain produces serotonin, creating a feeling of well-being. In short positive thoughts make you feel happier as well as boosting your immune system.

Positive thinking will also deliver a wide range of additional health benefits including a reduced risk of death from cardiovascular problems, less depression, and an increased lifespan. There are also suggestions that positive people lead healthier lifestyles because they are better able to cope with stress and are more likely to avoid unhealthy behaviours.

In short, that is the science behind it and however positive you are Covid-19 is not going to go away too soon. It means you have a choice to sit and worry about this disease and the more you focus on it, then the Law of Attraction suggests that you will in time draw the very thing you least want.

Or you could in turn practice positive thinking. It might not stop you getting the disease but according to the experts it may well minimise the effect it has on your body and improve recovery times.

It could be why millions worldwide who have already had the disease have reported only minor symptoms, but no one really knows for sure so to all of you who regularly follow my blogs please stay safe and healthy until we next talk again – and remember to stay positive.

If you are worried about your health and are a PowerThon member then we have just the thing for you in our Premium, section.

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